Why web design is a big part of digital transformation

Why web design is a big part of digital transformation

To thrive in an ever-increasingly competitive business world, your business needs to be up to date with the latest trends in technology. Your website is one of your most important digital assets that you should focus on during your digital transformation strategies.

Various digital technologies may indeed be competing for relevance to businesses, like social media platforms, digital cloud sharing platforms, chatbots, artificial intelligence and others. However, the website is still one of your most valuable brand representatives in the digital space. Because of this, you want your website to be equally updated as your business undergoes a digital transformation to keep up with current best practices in the online marketplace.

A website redesign becomes necessary because websites still play a crucial role in lead conversion and in making sales and revenue.

Why you should consider redesigning your website

Your brand needs to be accurately represented online: For your business to be considered credible and professional, your website has to represent all that your brand stands for. Gone are the days when you could get one free theme and use it to build your website. Your brand needs to tell a story, to stand above the rest, not just visually, but in it’s messaging.

The design of your website has to speak the language of your brand in its entirety. Everything about your website must portray a powerful brand image to all your visitors. Look at your current website. Does it fully capture your brand’s essence? If not, it is time to redesign your website.

Your website is not mobile-friendly: Studies show that an increasingly large chunk of web traffic originates from mobile devices. You may be missing out on over 50% of the world’s web traffic because your website is not responsive. Indeed, you even get penalised by Google if your website is not mobile-friendly.

To get the full benefits of your digital transformation, your website has to quickly adapt to the different screen sizes of the various mobile devices of your visitors. It makes navigating your site a whole lot easier and provides a great user experience for your visitors. This will help increase your credibility, boost your click-through-rate and improve lead generation and conversion.

A non-responsive design will cause poor user experience and greatly increase your bounce rate, which will significantly hurt your SEO strategies – search engines will rank you lower since your site doesn’t give users a pleasant experience.

Redesign your website with mobile responsiveness in mind, and you’ll be on your way to fully optimize your digital transformation goals.

Your website is not SEO friendly: With Google’s ranking algorithm continually being updated, you need to make sure that your website’s design meets current best practices for high SERP rankings. A website redesign using a more advanced CMS can help you make the coding and architecture of your site greatly improved to make it better optimized for search engines.

Your website looks outdated: Website design changes every few years. Businesses who still use designs that are a few years old will quickly look archaic when placed side by side a competitor whose website is built using the latest trends. To represent your brand accurately, you should look into the current design trends of your industry and follow suit.

However, you don’t want to come across as a clone of other websites in your industry, so following trends should be done creatively.

You want your website to be more secure: Both larger and smaller businesses are always at risk of website hacking and malware. What is the essence of a digital transformation strategy without cybersecurity in mind?

You should consider a website redesign as a matter of priority, especially if your website has not been updated in a while.

Bottom line

Your website is the first impression that many online customers will have of you. Your need that experience to be a remarkable one because first impressions do matter. First impressions matter more in the digital marketplace because of the high proliferation of competitors.

Ensure your website is up to date with the best practices in the digital space and if not, redesign it. It is one of the most important investments you can ever make in your business.

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